Crafted by Zanetti Murano and curated by B. David Levine. Presenting “Pinocchio” by Nason Moretti Murano, designed by Giulio Lachetti, is a delightful and iconic creation that harmoniously combines a few geometric shapes – a cylinder, a sphere, and the cone of the hat, complemented by the distinctive pointed and thin projection of the nose. The strength of Pinocchio lies in its immediate formal recognizability, showcasing simplicity that perfectly suits the blowing technique mastered by the glassmakers at Nason Moretti. This joyful and colorful family of Pinocchi, with their noses pointing towards us, reflects the creative vision and craftsmanship of both the designer and the glassmaking tradition. The vibrant color options, including Air Force Blue-Turquoise, Violet-Amber, and Gray-Orange, add an extra layer of charm to this whimsical collection.


Objet d'art

SKU: DL_18642L8BR1417


Crafted by Zanetti Murano and curated by B. David Levine. Presenting “Pinocchio” by Nason Moretti Murano, designed by Giulio Lachetti, is a delightful and iconic creation that harmoniously combines a few geometric shapes – a cylinder, a sphere, and the cone of the hat, complemented by the distinctive pointed and thin projection of the nose. The strength of Pinocchio lies in its immediate formal recognizability, showcasing simplicity that perfectly suits the blowing technique mastered by the glassmakers at Nason Moretti. This joyful and colorful family of Pinocchi, with their noses pointing towards us, reflects the creative vision and craftsmanship of both the designer and the glassmaking tradition. The vibrant color options, including Air Force Blue-Turquoise, Violet-Amber, and Gray-Orange, add an extra layer of charm to this whimsical collection.


  • Height: 19.6"
  • Depth: 3.14"